Rosen Bodywork invites you to reconnect with your body so you can become more aware of what is happening inside you.   Through a uniquely, gentle, non-intrusive touch,  Rosen Bodywork supports you to connect with your true self, soften tight muscles, breathe more deeply and move with greater freedom and awareness.

Rosen Bodywork invites presence, a welcoming of whatever arises within you, with tangible support, acceptance and compassion.

Marion Rosen teaches that  “relaxation is the doorway to God.”  Marion Rosen has spent over 50 years touching people and helping them grow, heal and blossom.  Originally trained in breathwork and physical therapy,  Marion discovered that  bringing a quality of deep listening to her touch was not only helpful physically for her clients but also emotionally, helping them open to a deeper part of themselves.  This approach to bodywork, she says,  “is about transformation—from the person we think we are to the person we really are.”

What Happens in the Session?

This hands-on work usually takes place on a bodywork table.  Through gentle touch,  tight muscles may begin to soften and let go.  Along with this physical relaxation  you may connect with a feeling or thought or shift into a deeper awareness or sense of ease.   We may talk briefly about what is happening to deepen your awareness and contact with yourself.  When you connect deeply with your body, you may discover that, like a close friend, your body can tell you what’s really going on.  This deep knowing inside your body can help you discover what resonates with who you really are (and what does not).

Benefits of Rosen Method Bodywork may include:

  • Opening to a sense of aliveness and support to be here as is.
  • Reconnecting with your body physically, emotionally and energetically.
  • Receiving inner guidance and wisdom.
  • Feeling more grounded, calm and present.
  • Feeling more compassionate towards your self and others.
  • Allowing yourself to have and express feelings safely (and learning how to manage/influence your emotions).
  • A sense of letting go of old ideas of who you are, or releasing old memories and fears.
  • Connecting with your true Self, essence, Spirit.