If you have make an important decision to make, or if you are seeking insight, healing or support,  Intuitive Inquiry offers a simple way to help you access inner guidance and healing.


Intuitive Inquiry helps you connect with your intuition—essentially your spirit.


Intuition is a well-spring of knowing within you.  Intuition is your sixth sense, an essential part of being that helps you heal, create and grow.  Like a GPS (global positioning system) in cars, intuition is your built-in IGS or inner guidance system, ready to help you navigate and find your way in any situation.


Intuitive Inquiry is like having a deep conversation with the wise part of you that knows.


Opening to intuition involves quieting the analytical mind, being present in your body and listening deeply.  Accessing intuitive guidance can help you make wiser choices, meet life’s challenges, and connect with who you really are.


Intuitive Inquiry is a collaborative process intended to facilitate insight and well-being.


At any given moment, one is conscious of only a small portion of what one knows.  Intuition allows one to draw on that vast storehouse of unconscious knowledge that includes not only everything that one has experienced or learned either consciously or subliminally, but also the infinite reservoir of the collective or universal unconscious, in which individual separateness and ego boundaries are transcended.”     – Frances Vaughan, Awakening Intuition


“…There is within you a power that knows what right action feels like.  This power, when addressed by prayer, meditation, calling for help…has the ability to respond to you with a very intimate, real and creative awareness.  When you are approaching any event, no matter how big or small, you can address the part of your psyche that…has the delightful job of presenting you with the information it holds… It is the part of you that can be called the Knower, and its job is to wait until being called on, and then to tell you what it knows….So, the answer is to quiet down your body long enough to hear that inner intuitive voice…” – Bartholomew